Ostatni konkurs czas zaczac! / It's time for last competition!
Czas na ostatni konkurs Pucharu Swiata SJ3 w sezonie 2010/11 w Planicy! Wiadomo juz, ze zwyciezca wiekszosci indywidualnych zawodow w tym sezonie zostal Artur Bala, ma on tez ogromne szanse na wygrana w Pucharze Swiata w lotach narciarskich. Czy ktos zagrozi mu w ostatnim konkursie tego sezonu? Zapraszamy do skokow!
It's time for last competition of SJ3 World Cup 2010/11 season in Planica! As far as we know, Artur Bala is the winner of most individual competitions in this season, he has also huge chance to win SJ3 Flying World Cup in this season. Will someone threaten him in last competition of the season? Enjoy!
Aby wziac udzial w naszym turnieju, musisz (wedlug zasad) oddac swoje skoki, a nastepnie wyslac plik konkursowy (PLANICA0.sjc) wraz z innymi plikami (Customs.txt i Sendme.txt) na adres: adrian.veb9@gmail.com. Czas na skoki macie do niedzieli, 20 marca do godziny 24:00.
Plik konkursowy mozesz pobrac w odnosniku "Obecny konkurs" w prawym gornym rogu strony.
To take part at out competition, you must (by the rules) take your jumps and then send me competition file (PLANICA0.sjc) with other files (Customs.txt and Sendme.txt) to address: adrian.veb9@gmail.com. You must do this until Sunday, 20th March to 24:00.
You can download competition file in "Obecny konkurs" link in right-upper corner of the site.